Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1, Episode 7 Recap: Mother Mycelium

MOTHERLAND: FORT SALEM - "Mother Mycelium" - Abigail forges a connection with Adil, a new visitor to base camp, and pushes a devastated Raelle to help him save a life. Tally uses Gerit as distraction from her increasingly burdensome secrets. And Anacostia probes into Scylla's past. This episode of "Motherland: Fort Salem" airs Wednesday, April 29, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on Freeform. (Freeform/David Bukach)AMALIA HOLM, LYNE RENEE
MOTHERLAND: FORT SALEM - "Mother Mycelium" - Abigail forges a connection with Adil, a new visitor to base camp, and pushes a devastated Raelle to help him save a life. Tally uses Gerit as distraction from her increasingly burdensome secrets. And Anacostia probes into Scylla's past. This episode of "Motherland: Fort Salem" airs Wednesday, April 29, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on Freeform. (Freeform/David Bukach)AMALIA HOLM, LYNE RENEE

In Motherland: Fort Salem, Adler has Scylla tied up and is about to question her about The Spree. What will Raelle have to say about this if and when she finds out?

When we last left Motherland: Fort Salem, Adler had Scylla tied up and was about to question her about The Spree.

When Adler and the others weren’t watching, Scylla has been trying to contact Raelle with her hand imprint. We know that losing Scylla almost put Raelle over the edge. How will she feel if and when she finds out the truth?

We begin back with Adler questioning Scylla. Scylla is going on about the last war and claims that she is fighting for freedom. Anacostia is trying to get into her head, but she is having a hard time.

Tally, Raelle, and Abigail are back together and are dealing with the backlash from their peers from Raelle’s flying stunt. We can tell Tally has a lot on her mind and know its only a matter of time until she cracks. In the cafeteria, Abigail meets up with Adil and seems to be into him.

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In the infirmary, they are trying to heal Adil’s sister, Khalida. She is not doing well and whatever she is infected with is seaming to take over her body.

In training the girls are learning how to heal, or link. In advance linking, the girls are able to connect their bodies to each other mentally. Raelle’s partner starts to rattle her during training and on accident Raelle knocks out the whole class.

Raelle quickly finds out that she needs to master her feelings. Once the others wake, they others still don’t learn and still go after her, but mama bear Abigail steps in to defend her.

The boys are back at Fort Salem. Adler talks to their headmaster and he tells her that he has heard rumors that they want to disband the army. This can’t be good for our witches.

With the boys around, it was only a matter of time until Tally meets up with Gerit. Gerit tries to talk to her, but Tally has to go. Raelle’s friend from Beltane meets back up with her and points out her finger. Which yes, she did touch the wall and something is not okay with it.

Abigail finds Adil outside. These two seem to find comfort in each other and we are here for it. Adil is opening up to Abigail about how his people are under attack because they have what other people want. Anyone else ship #Adigail? We do!

Anacostia visits Scylla again. She again tries to get into her head, but Scylla uses her head. Literally. And bashes her head against Anacostia. Better luck next time?

Raelle finally goes to someone about her finger and they are going to run some tests.

Meanwhile, they are still trying to heal Khalida and what they are doing isn’t working. We know someone who has great healing power and Abigail may use this to help. This is exactly what she does. Raelle is in and ready to heal.

Adil brings Khalida to the girls, in the woods. He mentions that two healers at home have died trying to heal her. Can Raelle handle this?

Yes, yes she can! Raelle heals Khalida. Raelle thinks something went wrong though because she always takes on a little part of the illness. Abigail talks her down and just tells her it is because she is getting stronger. We are with Raelle, we don’t buy it.

Adil brings Khalida back to the infirmary and tells them that she just magically woke up. They don’t believe it.

Gerit finally finds Tally, again, and she tries to avoid him, again, but this time it is not as easy. They end up kissing and making up. Wonder how this will play with Tally’s emotions later on?

Adil is trying to thank Abigail for helping his sister. He shows her exactly what he does and what others might be after. He has the ability to make them go invisible. Abigail mentions that they should use that power in the military and Adil breaks away. This is exactly what he didn’t want.

Motherland: Fort Salem
MOTHERLAND: FORT SALEM – “Mother Mycelium” – Abigail forges a connection with Adil, a new visitor to base camp, and pushes a devastated Raelle to help him save a life. Tally uses Gerit as distraction from her increasingly burdensome secrets. And Anacostia probes into Scylla’s past. This episode of “Motherland: Fort Salem” airs Wednesday, April 29, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on Freeform. (Freeform/David Bukach) DEMETRIA MCKINNEY, LYNE RENEE

While the girls are sleeping, Adler and Anacostia grab Raelle from her bed. They bring her to Scylla. How is this going to help?

Scylla is pleading with Raelle to not believe anything they are going to tell her. They abruptly take Raelle away to weaken Scylla and now Anacostia can get into her head. We see Scylla on an elevator. She meets will someone who hands her a balloon. Is this where she joins The Spree? What did they gain from this?

They found out the location of where all of this is taking place. Anacostia also tells Adler that Scylla also presented with regret. Does she have a soft spot for her? Raelle is returned to the dorm and the tries to tell the other girls that they are holding Scylla. But the girls tell her she was just dreaming.

The girls are now heading into training, but we are kicking it up a notch. They are in helicopters.

Adler goes to talk to Khalida. Khalida tells her she is feeling much better. Adler says that they will do anything to help keep her and her people safe. Khalida then says that she will do anything for Adler and gives the songs up right away. This almost seems to easy considering Adil did not want to give them up.

After Khalida starts singing, they realize that she is not giving them up, as all of the plants around them start dying. Khalida then tells her that she won’t give them up and walks out. Think Adler learned her lesson?

The Bellweather Unit is getting ready to jump out of the helicopter. They jump and that is it!

What are they jumping into? What is waiting for them on the ground? Will they be able to come out on top? This is going to be the longest helicopter jump ever, since we have to wait a whole week until they land!

We can’t wait to watch Motherland: Fort Salem next Wednesday on Freeform at 9/8c to see what happens!