Gilmore Girls: 5 best episodes to watch on Mother’s Day

Kelly Bishop in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life - Courtesy of Saeed Adyani/Netflix
Kelly Bishop in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life - Courtesy of Saeed Adyani/Netflix /
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4. Season 2, Episode 4 – “The Road Trip to Harvard”

After breaking off her engagement with Max, Lorelai desperately needs to get out of Stars Hollow for a little bit. Understanding her mother’s desire, Rory instantly jumps into action and goes with her on a spontaneous road trip that leads them to a kitschy Bed and & Breakfast and Harvard.

Given the Gilmore girls’ obsession with Harvard and Rory’s eventual admittance (even though she ends up going to Yale), it makes sense that they would end up at the ivy-covered walls of the university. It’s fun to see Rory and Lorelai traipse through the school as they explore the area and get a taste of dorm life. It is even better to know that Rory is willing to do anything to make her mother feel better.

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3. Season 2, Episode 16 – “There’s the Rub”

Emily and Lorelai’s relationship is one of the best in the series. While the show generally focuses on Rory and Lorelai, Emily and Lorelai are just as important, and their bond grows throughout all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls.

In Season 2, Emily and Lorelai take a spa trip after Emily wins a week’s stay at an auction. Lorelai is not thrilled to spend time with her mother, but she eventually rallies as they end up having a nice evening together at a restaurant. It’s fun to watch the two of them banter and where Vicious Trollop lipstick, at least until Emily loses it when she thinks Emily let Lorelai get 60-40’d.

But the end is relatively happy for these two as they still the infamous robes together, something Lorelai assures her mother that Rory would never do.