The biggest question most fans of the hit HBO series True Detective have is if the show will end up not only getting nominated for an Emmy award but winning multiple awards int he categories the show is bound to get nominated in. While it seems like it’s a lock that Best Drama Series will include True Detective, we have to consider a bizarre scenario in which the series is snubbed because of a variety of factors.
One of the most obvious factors for an Emmy snub would be if the voters aren’t too keen on the brash move by HBO to make it’s miniseries style show into a Best Drama contender. It’s unlikely that this will rub too many to wrong way, simply because of the clout the show and HB clearly already have, but it’s something to consider.
There’s also a chance that the competition is just too steep, as the final season of Breaking Bad, the second season of House of Cards, an excellent season of Game of Thrones as well as other hit series like Orange is the New Black and Mad Men have all taken critics by storm and may beat out True Detective.
I’m not saying any of this is going to happen, as there’s a pretty safe chance that True Detective gets an Emmy nod, but we must consider the possibility of the show missing out on one or two nods as the competition is steep and the series already has a few insider enemies to battle with.