There have been a lot of rumors kicked around about who the cast will be for the second season of True Detective, and so far nothing has come up in terms of news making any announcements. All we’ve had are rumors and one those rumors is that Mad Men star Jon Hamm could be up for a role.
This is one of those unconfirmed rumors that fanboys get all hot and bothered about when people mention it but that’s part of the fun of waiting for the new season of the show. While as much fun as it would be to appease the angry sect of the internet — which seems to be 95 percent of it’s user base — the other five percent enjoys the lively debate of trying to figure out who would work for the new season and who wouldn’t.
Hamm is a wild card as he’s brilliant on Mad Men but we wouldn’t want a carbon copy of Don Draper on True Detective. This isn’t to say that Hamm isn’t a talented actor who could pull it off, rather he’s the type of character on Mad Men that might fit too well into True Detective which could come off as repetitive.
There’s a chance that he could work ont he show, as we saw him play a character similar to what he could be on True Detective for the Oscar nominated film The Town, but then again he’d be regurgitating a character.
He won’t get the part, so it’s at the end of the day a fruitless debate, but you can never say never with True Detective and Hamm might end up working out in the end.