True Detective Cast: Could Laura Dern fit as female lead?

Dream casting is something that many True Detective fans have done in the months without the show being on and it’s something that many are still doing now that the cast still hasn’t been announced. As many as seven female lead actresses were mentioned as being up for the female role on True Detective but perhaps the best name has been left off the list.

Laura Dern hasn’t had a hit in a while and she seems exactly like the type of actress who could not only use True Detective to revive her career but also sink her teeth into a great role.

She has a history with HBO too, which goes a long way in her consideration for the show. While her series Enlightened was cancelled last year, she has her foot in the door with the network and if there’s one thing HBO likes to do it’s reuse people they’re familiar with.

It’s why Taylor Kitsch is likely to land a role on the show so why can’t the same go for Dern.

She’s not in the age group the other actresses mentioned are in, but since when has age been an issue? Teenagers play adults and adults play teenagers all the time and we’re pegging young actresses in a role we have no idea about. Dern is a solid talent who could use True Detective to not only turn in the role of a lifetime but also revive her career in a big way.