The second season of True Detective is right around the corner and that’s something that has fans really excited to see what’s next for the show. But while the cast is still uncertain for now, there are things about the show that aren’t all about who is in and who is out of the cast.
When it comes to the soundtrack of the show, it’s going to be hard to top T Bone Burnett, and when thinking of replacement composers one of the last names to come to mind is Justin Timberlake.
I know, just the very mention of this seems erode whatever credibility I may have but just think it through for a minute and the outcome isn’t as bad as it seems. For starters, far gone are the N*SYNC days of Timberlake’s career as he’s matured over the years into a true talent.
He’s also not a talent afraid to be different, as while he’s still a pop star he’s taken roles in films like The Social Network with David Fincher and Inside Llewyn Davis with the Coen Brothers which display how far he’s willing to stretch himself. These two projects and Timberlake’s involvement in them suggest that if he were handed to composing job on True Detective, not only would he bring star power to the show but he’d bring a level of seriousness that would only cause critics of him to ease off the much more.
There’s no saying this will happen, but don’t assume a Justin Timerlake True Detective soundtrack would sound as bad as you’re picturing.