Where Can You Watch the Original Westworld Online?

We help you hunt down the source material for HBO’s amazing Westworld series.

You don’t need to have seen the 1973 Westworld movie to enjoy the current show on HBO. That much is crystal clear.

But could it help in theory-crafting to be familiar with Michael Crichton’s campy yet strangely prescient sci-fi flick? It sure doesn’t hurt. Plus the movie is a cult classic in its own right thanks in large part to a killer (literally) performance by Yul Brynner as the Gunslinger, a clear inspiration for Ed Harris’ Man in Black.

It would have been some fantastic synergy is HBO had the rights to show the movie right now, but that’s not the case. The Westworld movie also isn’t currently on Netflix, which would make for a convenient alternative.

All is not lost, however. You might not be able to catch the movie for free, but it is available digitally to stream on the following services:

  • Amazon Video, where it can be rented for $3.99 or purchased for $9.99
  • iTunes, sale only for $9.99
  • Google Play, renting for $2.99 and selling it for $9.99
  • VUDU, which offers a range of options priced between $2.99 and $13.99
  • YouTube, which also rents in standard def for $2.99 and has more options to rent and buy

That YouTube link also has an old style preview which more or less gives away the plot of the entire film, which is ironic since so many people seem to think modern trailers do that.

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The HBO series won’t be available for free streaming through the most popular services either since HBO has its own outlet for its shows in HBO GO and HBO Now. But we can hold out hope that the network may obtain the broadcast rights to the movie so we can brush up.

Maybe before season 2? How about it HBO?