Take a Walk Down a Vampire-Filled Memory Lane with Our Top 50 True Blood Moments
8. Pam Saves Face
While Marnie punishes Eric by erasing his memory, she punishes Pam by giving her a rotting skin affliction. At one point her ear falls off, along with giant chunks of skin. At first she’s able to hide her affliction with makeup, but eventually she’s forced to wear veils because the sight of her is too hideous, even to other vampires. To Pam, nothing could be worse than having her face melt away. She goes to King Bill for permission to kill the witch, but Pam’s problems are nothing compared to the other problems he has. She says that Eric is also missing, and this piques Bill’s interest because he has been looking for Eric. He immediately wonders if Eric is with Sookie, and Pam can’t help but divulge a few secrets.
Pam’s deliciously deadpan deliveries are always fun to watch, but when she tries to maintain her composure while her face is literally falling off, she’s even better. No matter the situation, Pam can always be counted upon for comedic relief, even when she’s not trying to be funny.