Take a Walk Down a Vampire-Filled Memory Lane with Our Top 50 True Blood Moments

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1. Fellowship of the Sun

As public opinion rages about the presence of vampires in society, Steve Newlin and his wife Sarah build an empire that preyed upon fear, calling it the Fellowship of the Sun. Their organization uses religion to justify resentment toward vampires. While the Fellowship outwardly promotes religion, the inner circles of the Fellowship include specially trained commandos who go on missions to destroy vampires. It’s interesting to see how the Fellowship mirrors the actions of those religions that do not support gay rights.

Jason decides that the Fellowship of the Sun is his calling after his dealings with V and Sookie’s relationship with vampires. The Fellowship is thrilled to have him there, and he rises through the ranks quickly. Eventually, Jason starts to see that what they’re doing is wrong and he rebels, but not before sleeping with Steve’s wife Sarah, who is all too eager to have Jason Stackhouse in her bed.

Jason’s training comes in handy when he eventually joins the Bon Temps police department and later helps free the vampires from the Vamp Camps.