Westworld season 1, episode 7 synopsis: Trompe L’Oeil

Can Westworld get any crazier down the stretch? Let’s see what the synopsis for episode 7, “Trompe L’Oeil,” has to say on that score.

When we realized we were going to be writing about Westworld here on HBO Binge, we never dreamed we’d be getting to play translator as well. Yet that’s exactly what we’ve been doing, first for “Contrapasso” and now for the title of episode 7, “Trompe L’Oeil.”

For the record, the phrase refers to an art technique that makes two-dimensional images appear to be in 3D. It’s an interesting notion, one whose meaning fans can ponder even before they see the episode.

Our guess? It refers to the hosts, who Robert Ford keeps insisting aren’t real even when evidence to the contrary is mounting. And now he’s got enemies both inside and outside the park circling his plans, whatever they turn out to be.

Here’s the official synopsis for episode 7 from HBO:

"Maeve gives an ultimatum to Lutz and Sylvester; Bernard looks for a way out of a precarious situation; Charlotte seeks to reveal critical mistakes in Ford’s creations; William, Dolores and Lawrence find themselves in dangerous territory."

Hard as it may be to believe, we went a whole week without so much as checking in on William and Dolores, who left Logan behind in Pariah and pressed on with their quest. It’ll be interesting to see where their path leads them and whether we get any more clues about if their storyline is really taking place in the past as many fans believe.

The sudden arrival of Charlotte Hale was a shock to Lee Sizemore, but it could prove even more devastating for Ford. And yet if she really is the type to tow the company line, might she not be interested in knowing what the suddenly more capable hosts can do?

Oh, and there’s the not so little detail of what happened to Elsie Hughes …

Related Story: Westworld episode 6 recap: The Adversary

Be sure to show off your newly boosted linguistic skills with “Trompe L’Oeil” on Sunday night at 9 p.m. on HBO. Then join us here at HBO Binge for our recap, as well as more Westworld coverage all week long.