Everything We Know About Marvel’s “The Defenders” So Far


Netflix and Marvel have been extremely cryptic when it comes to revealing any information on the highly anticipated summer mini-series, The Defenders.

Luckily, they recently revealed another short teaser clip to accompany the one which debuted in July. At first watch, the clip sees all four heroes together riding an elevator together but upon closer inspection, there are some carefully hidden secrets that finally reveal some details.

For starters, when Jessica Jones punches out the security feed, it cuts out at 08:18:20:17 that unveils August 18, 2017, release date of the series. This will be a relief for fans (including myself!) who were afraid that Netflix wouldn’t air The Defenders until the fall. However, the premiere date isn’t the only thing teased, some hawk-eyed viewers may have noticed the string of numbers in the top left corner of the video and tested out what they could mean. Typing in

Typing in into your browser will take you to the New York Bulletin website which has been loaded with tons of fun information. For those who haven’t watched Daredevil, The Bulletin is a newspaper that the character, Karen Page, writes for and will likely come into play during the series since the character has been confirmed to make an appearance.

Image Credit: Marvel/Netflix

Karen won’t be the only supporting character to return with a variety of other fan favorites will be showing up to lend their support to New York’s heroes. While Luke Cage, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones have had their characters confirmed, the surprising teases from the Bulletin come from the focus on the Iron First characters.

The show debuted so late that many fans expected (or maybe hoped depending on your opinion of the final Defender) the supporting characters to skip this rodeo but the videos of the Meachum siblings and Colleen Wing tell a different story.

The first teaser that Netflix rolled out in July didn’t offer many details but the ominous hand which formed around The Defenders title made it obvious that the nefarious organization, “The Hand,” would be a factor in driving these four heroes together.

Colleen Wing and the Meachum siblings both found themselves tied up with them during the first season of Iron Fist which explains their last minute inclusion in the mini-series. On one of the “covers” that The Bulletin proudly displays on its website also has a little blurb that says, “crackpot scientist seeks lost city,” which is a reference to K’un Lun or the mystical city where Danny Rand acquired his Iron Fist powers.

Image Credit: Marvel/Netflix

However, that blurb is in the bottom corner of a much more important cover which features the Midland Circle building beginning construction. For those who missed Daredevil, Midland Circle is a nefarious corporation that plays a big role in the second season.

Not only that, it is also the location where the four Defenders finally unite in the teaser trailer. In the elevator, the sign under the floor level clearly says “Midland Circle Financial” The company and the building are both controlled by The Hand which provides further evidence that the evil organization will find itself in the middle of whatever evil scheme the Defenders are trying to stop.

Not only that, it is also the location where the four Defenders finally unite in the teaser trailer. In the elevator, the sign under the floor level clearly says “Midland Circle Financial” The company and the building are both controlled by The Hand which provides further evidence that the evil organization will find itself in the middle of whatever evil scheme the Defenders are trying to stop.

Finally, The Defenders series as been pretty forthright that the show will consist of the four core heroes as the main characters but one more cover on the Bulletin website does make one wonder whether a fifth will be joining the group. Trish Walker (aka Hellcat) debuted on Jessica Jones as the titular character’s best friend and foster sister as well as resounding fan love.

While the other three heroes all got their own covers, Jessica Jones shares hers with Trish begging the question how big a part her sister will have in the storyline. In the comics, Patsy Walker is one of the most infamous members of the Defenders.

Image Credit: Marvel/Netflix

While Trish has yet to don the yellow cat-suit, Jessica Jones did begin to set up her path on becoming a hero through her Krav-maga training and willingness to sacrifice anything in the name of justice.  Whether she suits up or not, it seems like Trish will still be an integral part of the story which will most likely be welcomed by fans either way.

While Marvel has been careful to avoid many leaks, it has been extremely successful at keeping Sigourney Weaver’s villain under lock and key. So far, all we know is that she’s playing someone named Alexandra who is “very powerful force in New York City”. With all fingers pointed at “The Hand” as the major presence of evil this season, it seems plausible that she is someone high up within the ranks.

Image Credit: Marvel/Netflix

With only eight episodes this season, she will most likely hit the ground running with her villainous ploys to not waste time which will make for a great eight hours of television.

All of the Netflix series have suffered from the thirteen episode order which forced many of them to sacrifice momentum with a few filler episodes. The success of the four other series (give or take Iron Fist ) gives The Defenders some big shoes to fill but from the few teasers Marvel has spared, this should be a wild ride.