Photo Credit: Starz
This week’s American Gods episode “Head Full of Snow” confirmed one of our predictions from the premiere episode…Laura Moon being so not dead and sitting on the edge of Shadow’s motel room bed. So, what’s to come next week? What will we learn about Laura? And, more importantly, what will we learn about Shadow?
1. We will discover how Laura came back to life
And we have a string feeling that Mad Sweeney has something to do with it. When Sweeney accidentally gave his lucky coin to Shadow, it ended up six feet under in Laura’s grave where Shade left it. It didn’t just sink into the ground though, it burned a hole though Laura’s coffin. When Sweeney dug up her grave and found that Laura and the coin were missing in action, we had a feeling that the lucky coin might be the reason Laura is alive again.
2. Shadow’s and Laura’s skeletons will come out of the closet
In next week’s episode “Git Gone” we are getting a look into the past at Shadow and Laura’s past, their wedding and how Shadow ended up in jail in the first place. Which brings up an interesting question: how did Shadow fall into the life of crime?
For starters he does not seem like a criminal, in fact he actually seems like someone who followed the straight and narrow his whole life based on his personality so far. We have a feeling that Laura may have something to do with Shadow’s gambling problem. We already know that Laura’s no saint (look how she died after all) so it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Laura had a part to play in pushing Shadow to the dark side.