American Gods: 5 predictions for episode 4 “Git Gone”

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Photo Credit: Starz

3. We will finally find out if Wednesday was involved in Laura’s death

We have had a sneaking suspicion all along that Wednesday had something to do with Laura Moon’s death. It’s all too convenient that Shadow (who may or may not have magical powers) loses his wife just when Wednesday happens to weasel his way onto the same flight home.

But if Wednesday did have a hand in Laura’s death, how did he do it? We know from this week’s episode Wednesday is an excellent con artist and (may or may not) have control over the weather. Could it be possible that Wednesday conned either Laura or Robbie to cheat on their spouses? Or is it something as simple as Wednesday creating a nasty storm the night they got got into that deadly accident?

4. Was it Shadow or Wednesday who made it snow?

We think that by next week the truth is going to be revealed about Shadow and we are going to find out why Wednesday chose him to be his bodyguard in the fight against the new gods. If it truly was Shadow that caused a flurry of snow in New York City, then it changes everything we know so far about the show. It would mean that Shadow, a seemingly normal human, has been granted powers from the gods or Shadow (and all the other humans) have had these powers the entire time and haven’t figured out how to access them yet.

Either way, we can’t wait to find out why Shadow was chosen for this task and with the next episode looking like it’s going to be rooted in flashbacks, we should be getting closer to cracking the mystery of Shadow soon.