Which Game of Thrones character represents your state?

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48. Utah — Gendry

Gendry, the last surviving bastard son of King Robert Baratheon, was last seen rowing for King’s Landing, his former home. So what state might the former blacksmith-turned-fugitive have the most in common with? Utah is our choice, though it’s not a perfect one.

One of the primary economic drivers in the state of Utah is mining, and while mining is not exactly smithing, its as close as Gendry will likely get in the modern age. As a former blacksmith, Gendry would be no stranger to the type of hard, gritty work that goes into mining, and we guess would take to the work like flies to butter. Utah’s great seal bears a beehive, another symbol of sort of hard-working industry that Gendry would feel comfortable with.

The official animal of Utah is the elk, and while certainly not a stag like the symbol of House Baratheon, it’s not exactly far from. The elk is again, not the exact same as Gendry’s background but also not entirely different either.

Perhaps the only reason for Gendry not to call Utah home? Utah is unique in the United States in that a majority of its residents self-report to belong to one religion (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). And with respect to the Mormon Church, something tells us Gendry’s past experience with religion, involving leeches and Melisandre, has left him a bit leery of religion.