Which Game of Thrones character represents your state?

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47. West Virginia — Jorah Mormont

Jorah Mormont, the exiled Lord of Bear Island has been Daenerys Targaryen’s on again off again companion since he was first introduced in the premiere episode of the series “Winter is Coming.” Although initially spying for Robert Baratheon, Jorah quickly came to love Daenerys and has stayed loyal ever since.

What does all that have to do with West Virginia you say? Consider Jorah’s home on Bear Island. As Jorah once told Daenerys, Bear Island is a beautiful but poor place. It’s rich in natural resources, but little else. We further learned from Jorah’s niece, Lyanna Mormont, that Bear Island has a very small population as well. These characteristics all apply to West Virginia as well.

West Virginia has an abundance of natural resources, and yet still remains economically challenged, ranking near the bottom in median household income in the United States. The population of West Virginia is small like Bear Island’s as well, coming at 38th among the states. West Virginia’s mountain and timber ranges would have likely felt like home to Jorah after so much time in Essos.

And finally, both West Virginia and Bear Island share the same sigil; the Black Bear. Yes, Jorah Mormont would feel right at home in West Virginia.