Which Game of Thrones character represents your state?

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45. Georgia — Renly Baratheon

Renly Baratheon, the youngest of the three Baratheon brothers, was perhaps the most popular of the three. Renly made friends easily, and charmed all around him, eventually leading to his alliance with House Tyrell when he sought the Iron Throne. Renly led the Stormlands and the Reach in an ultimately failed revolt against the Iron Throne before his death. So what state might he represent? Georgia.

Georgia is one of the fastest growing states in the Union. People are literally flocking to this beautiful southern state as quickly as they can. In the same thought, Renly attracted the largest amount of followers far quicker than any of the five kings that were vying for the Iron Throne at the time.

And like Georgia seceded from the United States during the Civil War, Renly effectively seceded from the Seven Kingdoms in order to gain the Iron Throne.

And if we can be permitted to draw upon the books this once, there is further evidence of Renly Baratheon’s representation of Georgia. When Renly and Stannis meet in the books to discuss each other’s surrender, Renly chews upon a peach.

Georgia’s nickname is of course “The Peach State.” It’s not merely a coincidence though, its one of the few instances in which a character eats a peach in George R.R. Martin’s books, and Martin is constantly describing the food his characters are eating. Renly even gives a speech about the peach, and for that reason, represents Georgia, the “Peach State.”