Which Game of Thrones character represents your state?

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Photo Credit: HBO

44. Alaska — Mance Rayder

Mance Rayder, the erstwhile King Beyond the Wall, was an inspiring character that many fans came to admire despite initially being introduced as a villain.

Introduced as the main foe of the Night’s Watch, we eventually learned that Mance was only interested in uniting the wildlings in order to move them south of the Wall. So what does Mance have in common with the great state of Alaska?

There are the easy reasons, like Alaska’s location in relation to the rest of the United States, as far north as north can be in the United States. Then there is the topography of Alaska’s wild and untamed wilderness that would make Mance feel right at home after living North of the Wall for years.

Or take the state fish of Alaska, the King salmon, a fish the King Beyond the Wall would have approved of. That state fossil even belonged to Mance’s army; the wooly mammoth.

Like Mance and his army, Alaska is state composed of a plethora of different tribes, thus the 23 different official languages of the state. And finally, we arrive at the state’s official words “North to the Future”. Now Alaska meant them in a quite positive manner, but  Mance was always warning of what was coming from the north; the White Walkers. And thus, Alaska is represented by Mance Rayder.