Which Game of Thrones character represents your state?

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43. Oklahoma — The Sand Snakes

Technically, the Sand Snakes are more than one character, Obara, Tyene, and Nymeria Sand are all the bastard born daughters of Oberyn Martell. The three act in unison from the moment we meet them, however, so we are lumping them together to represent one state, and that state is Oklahoma.

Now full disclosure here, as a native born Texan, it’s possible a bit of bias crept into my choice here (we are taught at birth to loathe Oklahoma) but there is an actual reason for Oklahoma to be represented by the Sand Snakes (characters most fans loathe).

Although each of the Sand Snakes was born of a common father, they do not share a mother. Each has distinct personalities, different from the others.

And yet, much like Oklahoma and its large and diverse European immigrant population mixed with its Indian population (25 Indian languages are spoken in Oklahoma), the state works together towards a common goal.

Sure, it’s not the murder of the ruling family of their home state, but Oklahomans still work well with one another despite different backgrounds.

And the nail in the coffin? The state fish of Oklahoma is the Sand Bass. Sand Bass, Sand Snake. Close enough.