Image Credit: Lucasfilm/Lucas Arts
So Disney has said that the Star Wars Expanded Universe isn’t really canon, anymore; A decision that made a lot of Star Wars fans very unhappy. A great way to soothe some of those ruffled Wookie pelts would be to use some Expanded Universe characters in the Sith series.
The name that comes to mind immediately, of course, is Revan. Can you imagine the hype that would surround a Darth Revan series? Even if Revan was only a minor player who showed up for a short time the hype would be huge.
Revan, of course, is the protagonist from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, one of the most popular Star Wars video games of all time. Much of the success of KOTOR was due to the epic nature of the Revan story.
In the story Revan is a Sith Lord who has had his mind erased, but what we learn of Revan before the mind wipe is a bit scarce. There in lies the pace where our Sith series could fall.
The other great thing about the Revan story is that it takes place before the “rule of two.” The Sith in the time of the Star Wars films have a rule that there is only ever two Sith, but during Revan’s time, there are many Sith living at the same time.