What We Want To See Before Orphan Black Ends

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Photo Credit: BBC America

2. Helena’s and Sarah’s kids getting a happy ending. 

On a show with such high stakes like Orphan Black, it seems unlikely that every clone is going to get to ride off into the sunset in the finale. However, for Sarah and Helena, the happiest ending they could get would be knowing that their children are safe as well as free.

Kira may have agreed to go with Rachel in order to find out more about herself, but Sarah will undoubtedly manage to save her only daughter before her nefarious clone sister can pull any funny business.

Meanwhile, we have yet to meet Helena’s twins but after watching the pain she’s endured over the past few seasons, her kids deserve to make it to the end of the show. Since the past few years have been dedicated to showing Helena’s pregnancy as well as protecting her, it would be a nice payoff to finally see the twins.