Preacher Season 2: 5 Things we want to see this season

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Preacher Season 2 is premiering on Sunday night, June 25, on AMC and Season 1 left a lot of questions that need answers.

For fans of the Preacher comic books, there is also a lot of the story to be told as the first season of the TV show all took place in Annville, Texas – a town destroyed in the first issue of the comic series. However, the Preacher TV show stretched out Jesse Custer’s relationship with the townspeople to a full 10-episode season and then paid it off at the end of the season with the revelation that God is missing and then the town was blown sky high.

With Annville destroyed, Jesse Custer, the vampire Cassidy, and Tulip will hit the road in search for God and Season 2 should really kick into high gear as a result. Here are 5 things we want to see during Preacher Season 2 as the story rolls on.

There are slight spoilers for the Preacher comic book series and major spoilers from Season 1.

Ian Colletti (Eugene) in season 2. Photo by Pari Dukovic/AMC

5. The fate of Arseface

Fans of the Preacher comic book series saw lots of changes from the comic books, with alterations to characters like Tulip being very positive alterations. However, one change that came as a shock was the fate of Eugene, also known as Arseface. In the comic books, Arseface was the son of a sheriff who hated him and tried to kill himself to imitate Kurt Cobain. In the comics, Eugene’s dad loves him and Eugene instead shot a girl who refused to date him in the head and then turned the gun on himself. Neither person died, but she remained brain dead and he became Arseface.

It turned Arseface into a bad kid but also one who always visited the Preacher hoping for redemption from his sins. Jesse, in a lapse of judgment, grew angry when Arseface rejected him using the Word to make people forgive him and lashed out, telling him to “Go to Hell.” Eugene went to Hell and now Jesse is haunted by Arseface and has promised to find a way to bring him back. Those hallucinations or visions will play into Jesse’s battle for his own soul.