25 books that need to be adapted for TV right now

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21. Chronicles of Amber

It was announced last year that Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman was bringing the massive Chronicles of Amber to an adaptation for TV but there has been no word on its progress in over a year.

Hopefully, there will be movement on this because it could make a very interesting and fun television series for a network like AMC or HBO.

There are 10 books in Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber series, staring with Nine Princes of Amber in 1970 and ending with Prince of Chaos in 1991. After the death of Zelazny, his estate authorized John Gregory Betancourt to continue the series with The Dawn of Amber, which saw four issues published.

These stories take place in two worlds – Amber and the Courts of Chaos. The shadows in between these worlds include Earth and similar parallel locations.

The books start off on Earth as a man named Corwin wakes up in New York from a coma and learns that he is part of a Royal superhuman family who can travel through the worlds in the shadows.

This then leads into a war between Corwin and his brother Eric for the rule of Ember, which was once ruled by their father Oberon, who has disappeared. With the warring families and magical worlds, this is yet another possibility for a network like HBO.