Game of Thrones episode 705, “Eastwatch,” airs this Sunday and we’ve got some insane predictions that may come true.
Three episodes left. That’s right folks, the long awaited 7th season of Game of Thrones has only three episodes remaining before we’re cast into the Long Night to await season 8 — the final season of the show. Now that I’ve ruined your day (sorry about that), let’s make some insane predictions for Sunday night’s all-new episode of Game of Thrones — “Eastwatch.”
1. Tormund will throw The Hound and the Brotherhood Without Banners in jail at Eastwatch by the Sea.
When last we saw The Hound and his new pals The Brotherhood Without Banners (Thoros and Beric Dondarrion included), they were headed north after Sandor “The Hound” Clegane had a vision of the Night King and his undead army marching toward the Night’s Watch castle — Eastwatch by the Sea.
When last we saw Tormund Giantsbane, he was trying to get into Brienne’s armored pants, but before that, the leader of the wildlings was commissioned to go and take possession of Eastwatch by the King in the North — Jon Snow.
So, we believe that The Hound and the Brotherhood will arrive at Eastwatch by the Sea — the name of which this episode is titled — and once they arrive, Tormund will probably be his usual jovial yet cocky self, which The Hound will instantly hate, and once things will inevitably get out of hand, Tormund will order his wildling soldiers to throw them in jail.
Don’t worry, though, once a certain someone arrives, they’ll receive an immediate pardon.