The Walking Dead season 8 clip shows Carl on the hunt


We’re a mere two weeks away from The Walking Dead season 8, and a new clip from NYCC shows Carl in a scene reminiscent of Rick in season 1.

Remember way back to The Walking Dead season 1, when Rick Grimes was still wearing his Sheriff’s uniform, driving a squad car, and still very unfamiliar with the zombie apocalypse? In that long ago episode, Rick runs out of gas and happens upon a gas station that had been used as a makeshift campground for people fleeing the undead.

Well, it would appear as if The Walking Dead season 8 is taking us back to that scene, except this time, we’re seeing all through Rick’s son, Carl’s point of view. Check it out:

And, now for reference, here’s Rick’s version:

As you can see, the scenes are very similar, and since this is the season 8 premiere — the 100th episode of The Walking Dead — it doesn’t surprise us at all to see a neat callback like this one to be added to the show.

Only, instead of meeting a little zombie girl with he face half-eaten off, Carl will supposedly run into a new character joining the show named Abbud, portrayed by Avi Nash. Abbud is the show’s counterpart to the comic version of Siddiq, a likable Muslim American who has seen some hard times on the road, solo, during the walker outbreak.

Regardless, it’s neat to see Carl out hunting for supplies on his own, instead of being told to stay behind (or in the house). It’s about time we see him spread his apocalyptic wings and fly.

Next: 30 Bold Predictions for The Walking Dead season 8

The Walking Dead returns for season 8 to AMC, on October 22.