25 Most Brutal Deaths on The Walking Dead
By Shawn Lealos
One of the most recent major character deaths on The Walking Dead came in the season seven finale. Sasha and her brother Tyreese joined the survivors in season three and was part of the battle at the prison. At first, she was the younger sister of Tyreese and was a little antagonistic due to her age.
She does seem to lighten up somewhat when she meets up with Bob. However, fans of the comic books might have expected their relationship to end up bad, something that strayed from the comics for good reasons. Sasha became a very conflicted character as the seasons wore on.
After the deaths of her brother Tyreese and her boyfriend Bob, Sasha became suicidal. She had moments where she lied in a pool of dead zombies and moments where she went into battle with what seemed like the decision to end her own life.
However, she survived and became a stronger fighter over time. After she developed a short-lived relationship with Abraham, his death drove her further to the edge. That is when she met Negan.
Sasha decides after Negan kills Abraham that she will kill him herself and sets up her plans. She heads to the Sanctuary with Rosita and the two plan an attack to kill Negan – but they fail. However, her attempt to kill Negan impresses him and he asks her to join them.
Sasha then agrees to help Negan figure out if Rick is planning to betray him and she agrees. Negan explains that he needs to execute people from Rick’s group to show they can’t doublecross him and she agrees to go with him to Alexandria. However, while on the way there she asks to rest in a casket that Negan is taking with them.
On the trip, Sasha then takes a suicide pill that Eugene gave her before leaving, and she peacefully commits suicide in the casket. This act was a tactical move because when Negan opened the coffin, Sasha had reanimated and attacked him, saving Rick’s camp from Negan’s vengeance.