25 Most Brutal Deaths on The Walking Dead

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The Governor

Before Negan showed up, The Governor was the most prominent villain that the survivors of the zombie plague ever faced. If you ask some fans who left last season disappointed, The Governor is still the greatest villain that ever reigned terror on Rick and his band of survivors.

Before Negan came along and killed Glenn and Abraham, The Governor murdered Hershel and Merle and caused the death of Andrea. The difference between Negan and The Governor is that Negan kills people to make a point while The Governor killed because he was a sociopath who took out anyone who he thought could be a threat.

The end of The Governor was a huge moment as well. He had struck a deal with Rick for the two sides to live in peace but then betrayed Rick when he chopped off the head of Hershel. His sins in the comics were worse, as he killed Lori and Baby Judith, but fans of The Walking Dead TV series were spared that horror. The death of Hershel was traumatizing enough.

Then, The Governor looked like he may win as he was choking the life of Rick Grimes. Just as he proved that he was stronger than Rick, and right as fans watched the life pass from the eyes of Rick, Michonne thrust her sword through The Governor and ended his reign of terror once and for all.