Four Game of Thrones season 8 script pages have possibly leaked

Game of Thrones season 8 is still a long way off, but it seems as if four random pages of script have been leaked.

When last we saw Westeros in the Game of Thrones season 7 finale, the Night King had breached the Wall with the help of an undead dragon (Viserion) and his undead army was pouring through the breach into the world of the living.

Cersei met with Jon Snow ( revealed to be Aegon Targaryen), Daenerys Targaryen, and other leaders/emissaries from opposing armies, and while on the surface she eventually decided to support their cause against the Night King, secretly, she was planning her own means of taking over the Seven Kingdoms.

There is a lot to get through, in Game of Thrones season 8 — the show’s final season, only six episodes long — and so far, security surrounding filming has been fairly tight. Perhaps it is for that reason, that we find ourselves a bit perplexed over what appear to be four pages of season 8 script.

Live Journal page, Oh no they didn’t, has produced said four pages of script, and after season 7’s script leak, these pages actually look legit…or at the very least, decent forgeries.

The first page shows Jaime attempting to persuade his sister Queen Cersei to do the right thing and help fight the Night King.

Is Jon Snow Cersei’s prisoner? It looks that way.

The next page sees Jaime realize Cersei has a plan to use wildfire, except, she isn’t planning on using the wildfire on the army of the dead. No, Jaime realizes Cersei plans on setting fire to King’s Landing. I wonder if her mentality is, “if I can’t have it, no one can.”

Next, we have The Hound and Brienne driving a wagon through a camp, in the snow, with Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, and Pod inside. The wagon jolts to a stop in front of a Dothraki wight. It’s my personal take that this camp is outside the gates of King’s Landing, as the previous page mentions Cersei is holding the “usurper” in her dungeon.

Could King’s Landing be the last stronghold remaining against the Night King and his growing army? And, could Jon and Daenerys have led their people there hoping Cersei would make good on her promise? Furthermore, is The Hound and his cohorts in the wagon attempting a rescue? All interesting food for thought.

Finally, we have Bronn and Tyrion together once again, and it seems to be the end of the war, and most likely the show.

From this page, we learn that Jaime has died at some point (from what, we don’t know, but we do so hope it was heroic). Apparently, Bronn has distinguished himself as a hero in the way against the Night King, and Tyrion, as a Lannister always does, is repaying his debts.

ONTD translates the scripts and makes note that Daenerys is, in fact, pregnant with Jon Snow’s baby. Which means the baby will be a child of incest between Aegon Targaryen nee-Jon Snow and his Aunt, Daenerys. Gross.

Next: The 35 Best Moments from Game of Thrones Season 7

Are these script pages for real? It’s too early to tell, but with only six episodes remaining with season 8 premieres, it looks as if events will escalate quite quickly. Game of Thrones season 8 returns in 2019.