The best TV episodes of 2017

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Game of Thrones — 7×04: ” The Spoils of War “

The seventh season of Game of Thrones was a kind of summer Christmas as it brought along many gifts to the fans. This season was very much one of long-anticipated reunions and encounters like it peaked in the finale when major characters gathered in the Dragonpit for a highly-tense summit.

Even if more than one episodes could receive an acknowledgment, the fourth episode of season 7 was a strong pick for more than one reasons.

Long-awaited reunions

What makes “The Spoils of War” special (and dare I say precious) was that it offered the fans the almost complete reunion of the remaining Stark family. After Bran’s return in episode 3, Arya finally makes it back home to her siblings. Winterfell is finally hearth of the Stark children again (waiting for Jon, now).

The fans are left hanging as the reunion between sisters Arya and Sansa, whose turbulent personal journeys have turned them into confident and strong-willed women, is expected to create some frictions between them.

Greyjoy and Jon Snow meet again, in the most unexpected place, when Theon disembarks on Dragonstone to ask for Daenery’s help. Again, another anxiously awaited reunion that left the audience sitting on the edge of their seats.

First jaw-dropping moment of the season

If there is one thing Game of Thrones is known (and loved) for, it’s its epic battles. Even if episode 2 brought us quite a spectacular —and bloody— sea battle among the Greyjoy family, it was just an appetizer compared to the battle given to us in the fourth episode.

The scene, concluding the episode, is over ten minutes long and sees the first confrontation between the two Queens Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister’s armies.

It is the emblematic moment when Jaime comes face to face with one of Dany’s dragons (and secondarily her Dothraki army — but who cares, there is a dragon). It is also the first Daenerys rides onto the battlefield of Westeros and incisively affirms her power as a formidable threat and contender for the Iron Throne. This is what legends are made of.

Alea jacta est like Caesar said.

And the episode finishes with a vicious cliffhanger, leaving the audience concerned for Jaime’s fate.