Top 30 villains in television history

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Photo Credit: AMC

29. Boyd Crowder 

There’s something about Walton Goggins as an actor that makes it impossible not to root for him. As one of the more notorious criminals on Justified, he quickly surpassed small-town villain into a complex character. It’s become well known that his character, Boyd Crowder, was only meant to be a short-term villain but the writers realized just how special Goggins was and kept him around as one of the main characters.

Don’t mistake Goggins’s charisma and likability as a reason not to respect Crowder as a villain. No, he’s incredibly calculating and many people have died at his hands as a violent criminal. Starting out the series, he’s a white supremacist who moonlights as a bank robber. After getting arrested, he becomes a messiah figure to many but it doesn’t take long before he resorts back to a criminal lifestyle.

He’s a bit of a loose cannon, who owns his outlaw ways with pride compared to the law-abiding citizens of his town who pretend to have moral high ground despite their unhappy lives. In spite of all of this, he becomes a bit of a mastermind throughout the series run, carefully planning out his moves for each of his plans. It gives him the edge over main character, Raylan, quite often and has many viewers rooting in favor of the villain.

However, it’s important to note that Crowder is in no way a hero or anti-hero, but definitely a bad guy. He has the second highest kill count compared to anyone else on the series which definitely earns Crowder on the list of top villains.