Top 30 villains in television history
Photo Credit: HBO
7. Joffrey Baratheon
There’s something to be said that Joffrey’s death was such a disappointment considering what a little brat he was on Game of Thrones. But that was a large part of Jack Gleeson’s charms as the character, he played it so perfectly that losing him on the show was such a letdown. The impetuous king was a classic bully who felt like the world should bow to him simply because of status.
It comes as no surprise that Joffrey ends up getting murdered at his own wedding because his cruelty was bound to be stopped at one point. What makes the young king unique is the fact that he was one of the most unintelligent villains on this list.
Placed in a position of power by his mother, the Lannisters hoped to use him as a puppet to enact their true plans. Yet, being king quickly went to Joffrey’s head as he ignored his subjects and his mother by becoming a terrible leader. He destroys any chance of peace with the Starks when he beheads Ned Stark, and falls under the charm of Margaery Tyrell because of her beauty.
He consistently belittles members of his family, specifically Tywin and Tyrion that it was only a matter of time before someone reacted. While Cersei demanded her brother’s head, Olenna Tyrell is eventually revealed to be the real perpetrator behind the plan to kill the young king, in order to spare her granddaughter a life of abuse. Despite meeting his death, Joffrey will always be remembered as one of the best original antagonists in the series.