What we want to see in Jessica Jones season 2

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Photo Credit: EW

6. Kilgrave flashbacks

Yes, David Tennant’s villain was one of the highlights of season one and there’s no denying that fans are eagerly waiting to see him pop up this year. However, bringing him back to life would only diminish Jessica’s growth after defeating him. While Jessica Jones definitely needs to keep him dead, there’s no reason he can’t show up in flashbacks.

The detective is still dealing with a lot of trauma, and it would make sense for her to still experience PTSD flashbacks of her time with him. Any chance for Tennant to be his charming but evil self is a welcome opportunity, even if it should be kept for nightmares and flashbacks rather than being brought back to life. Of course, the trailer hinted that IGH brought Jessica back to life so there’s always the possibility that they will resurrect Kilgrave to do some damage.

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Photo Credit: Netflix

5. Jessica Jones’ detective skills

There were quite a few complaints during the first season that Jessica Jones never showcased just how talented of a detective the titular character was. The Defenders had her jump into some more investigative work, including her immediate deduction of Matt Murdock’s alter ego, and it would be nice to see those abilities carried over into her own series.

Now that Kilgrave is physically out of the picture and there’s a rival agency trying to take Alias Investigations, Jessica will have to prove that she’s better than the competition. IGH is an organization which has managed to live in the shadows for years, Jessica is going to have to bust out some serious detective skills if she plans to even find any information about them.