What we want to see in Jessica Jones season 2

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4. Typhoid Mary 

Leah Gibson’s new character, “Ingrid”, has been heavily rumored to be notorious Daredevil villain, Typhoid Mary. It’s hard not to get excited at the prospect since Mary is a character with mental illness, something the show has tried hard to represent. She’s a tragic villain, someone who suffers from dissociative identity disorder that manifested after an attack.

Mary has three different personalities: two which are violent and one that is a pacifist. Knowing that Mary is genuinely struggling with her illness, it would be interesting to see Jessica Jones face off against someone who is consumed by their own disorder. There’s no doubt that Jessica, who is coping with PTSD, will want to save someone she knows isn’t evil by choice.

Photo Credit: Netflix

3. Young Jessica/Trish moments 

The relationship between sisters started out in adolescence but viewers didn’t get to see much of the teenagers bonding. Elizabeth Cappucino and Catherine Blades were both enjoyable playing younger versions of the two main characters, so it would be nice to see both of them return. The relationship between the sisters was one of the highlights of season one and it would be a shame not to continue exploring it.

How did Jessica help Trish get clean? When did Trish finally break free of her mother? There are plenty of questions left unanswered that would make for some compelling flashbacks. If Trish is starting her path to becoming her own hero, then the series will have to look back at what events in her childhood led her to want to help others over being a famous actress.