Hero Report: Gotham is back and better than ever in midseason premiere
Photo Credit: The CW
Black Lightning
The only part of “Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder” that doesn’t work is everyone’s reluctance to let Jefferson kill Tobias out of justice for his own father’s murder. Why are Gambi and Lynn so convinced that the man they love will “lose his soul” over the decision?
It’s clear that most of the cops, including the police chief, are in Tobias’ pocket and Jefferson would be getting rid of an extremely dangerous criminal. While this section of the episode isn’t great, everything else remains pretty intriguing.
Gambi’s association to Tobias deepens this week when he ends up visiting Lady Eve to remind her she promised to leave the Pierce family alone. Just how involved was he in the city’s criminal underground? One thing is for sure, his relationship with Jefferson is going to be severely damaged when the latter discovers his connection.
Meanwhile, Anissa’s powers are out in the open now after an exhilarating fight scene between her and her father. It’s just one less secret that Black Lightning needs to keep in line.
Hero Report Grade: B-
Photo Credit: The CW
Even with low expectations heading into “Collision Course,” the episode still managed to be incredibly disappointing. Promised to be a fight between OTA and NTA, it’s hard to think of any viewers who were actually rooting for the latter to succeed.
With every episode this season it feels as though Arrow presents another reason why the new team members should be dropped in order to focus on the original cast. If next year really is the final season, it’s time to get back to basics with the people who really matter.
Based on the forced Black Siren redemption arc, it seems like the show is at least setting up the return of Laurel Lance to give the character a proper second chance.
Hero Report Grade: D