Ash vs. Evil Dead: Ash fights a baby while Pablo becomes El Brujo Especial

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Ash vs. The Demon Child

While all this is going on, Ash Williams has no idea what is happening and how much danger Pablo is in. He is in the house that Ruby took over when she took on the role of the guidance counselor. And Ash has a demonic child with a chainsaw hand trying to kill him.

Ash also has to deal with the Scandinavian woman who wants to escape while Ash wants to capture the child. He doesn’t want to kill the child — he wants to capture it to prove to Brandy that he is not a nutcase. The Scandinavian woman wants the child dead.

This means that she keeps getting in Ash’s way, and that marks the end of her. She knocks Ash out and tries to escape, only to end up headless and dead. Where is the head? Likely the child ate it.

That brings up yet another disgusting fight that crosses so many lines. Remember the morgue scene from last year? Remember the sperm bank scene from this year? In this fight, the baby crawls into the dead Scandinavian woman’s nether regions (Ash: “you are way too young to be going up there!”) and then pops out her head to use her body to fight.

The fight is a basic Ash vs. Evil Dead fight until a bowling ball collection comes into play. Ash plugs up her head with one bowling ball and then plugs up the other end with a second before wrapping her up in a carpet, tying her up and throwing her in his trunk to show Brandy.