Homeland: Lights, Amplifiers, Effin Twitter

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The McClendon murder was the wrong leverage as Keane wanted to take a stand. The General led the assassination attempt on her life. No president would let that stand. The Constitution has clear punishments for treason on this level. The writers of the Constitution had to do a lot less political horse trading, and hashtagging meant marking which potatoes belonged to which delegate.

A bipartisan delegation of supposed non-contentious associates visits POTUS Keane to politely as possible ask for her resignation. If ever there were a need to tread lightly, asking for a Presidential resignation was never going to work. Without the slightest of uproar, compared to her election, an assassination attempt and Lucasville, threats that further action would cause chaos rang hollow. No one would have believed the resignation.

Besides, chaos is already here for those paying too much attention. Painful decisions are needed to solve the causes of the chaos. Resigning would do no real good. The bickering and chaos is a part of the reconciliation. Maybe the 2 Minutes Hate in 1984 was the cathartic release this country needs.

Finally, the whole show is being put in Saul’s control. If Saul was truly the cold being some suggest, he would have just hung up after hearing Carrie making that bold assumption on why he answered the phone.

Saul has plenty of reasons to leave Carrie out in the cold but has already started to use her illegal surveillance. POTUS Keane and the Russians have reasons to continue with their own missions, collateral damage be damned. However, Saul, Keane, and the Russians show an ability to compromise and care.