Photo Credit: The CW
The Hero Report is back this week with quite a few great episodes.
Supergirl returns from hiatus with a fun midseason premiere, while Black Lightning sticks the landing on their finale. The remaining Arrowverse struggle with lukewarm villains but Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has crafted some emotionally compelling bad guys.
Supergirl – “Schott Through the Heart”
When The CW announced Supergirl wouldn’t finish up its season until April, fans were naturally upset. Production delays and behind the scenes shake-ups promised to stall any momentum the series had made in its third season. However, “Schott Through the Heart” is a fun reintroduction into National City.
Season three has done a lot to course correct the series after last year but unfortunately, Winn has gotten the short end of the stick. The writers have chosen to highlight Kara’s female friendships which have left both the tech genius and James a bit ignored.
Thankfully, “Schott Through the Heart” hands the spotlight over to everyone’s favorite sidekick. His father is dead, and his estranged mother (played by Laurie Metcalf) tries to reunite with her son.
Unfortunately, it turns out the Toyman has an accomplice who sets her sights on destroying the remaining Schott family members. The CGI flying monkeys are pretty bad, but it’s hard not to enjoy an episode that features karaoke performances by the entire cast.
Hero Report Grade: B+