GLOW Season 2 Recap

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Credit: GLOW season 2 – Erica Parise – Netflix

Episode 5: Perverts are People, Too

The network wants to meet with Sam, Bash, and Debbie to talk about the show. Glenn tells them they need to re-sell the show to the head of the network, Tom Grant, after losing some sponsorship.

At the same time, Glenn calls Ruth to invite her to dinner with Tom Grant to discuss her future on the network. This excites her, thinking they see her potential.

When she shows up, “dinner” is really in Tom’s hotel room and he wants to “wrestle” with her. He inappropriately touches her, making her feel uncomfortable. So, she bolts.

The next day, the producers find out their meeting with him is canceled, they’ve decided to move the show to a 2 a.m. time slot, and they’ll likely get canceled.

Ruth confesses to Debbie what happens and Ruth is surprised when Debbie berates her for not “playing along” to Tom’s advances. “The one time you keep your legs closed…” The slut-shaming and lack of empathy are baffling to me, and especially to Ruth.

I get it. Debbie came up in the entertainment industry when men got away with sexual harassment of women. It was the norm. Hell, it was still normal until about six months ago thanks to Harvey Weinstein. If men don’t get what they want, they punish the woman.

Ruth, rightfully so, doesn’t understand why it has to be that way. She’s ahead of her time. I’m chalking this up to Debbie not knowing any better. But I also think she’s angry and taking it out on Ruth.

This is proof that girls can be really hard on each other for some crazy reason. And don’t say you’re not guilty of it, we all are – myself included!

The girls all decide to capitalize on their fame by holding meet-and-greets before tapings. It’s nice to see that they all have fans, even weird ones. There may not be many of them, but it gives the girls a significant morale boost.

I loved the scenes with Bash back in his childhood room, admiring his hung-up pictures of his favorite wrestlers. He’s more than a scatter-brained playboy. He genuinely wants this show to work as a tribute to his favorite hobby, well besides drugs. I appreciate the fact that they showed another layer to his character.