The best episode of Bojack Horseman to date — seriously.
Bojack Horseman gave us the best episode to date with “Free Churro”, and it was equal parts amazing, and equal parts unbelievable.
This is primarily due to the fact that the entire episode played out as a speech by Bojack during his mother’s funeral. But more impressively yet, he is the only character that talks during the entire episode.
It’s mindblowing how skillfully Will Arnett delivers this emotional, heartbreaking episode as we dove into Bojack’s childhood and just tumultuous it was.
The eulogy is Bojack’s way of venting about how difficult his upbringing was with very difficult parents. In a way, his mother’s death was a way of him not having to deal and face the traumas of his past anymore.
Given that his mother and father were both emotionally unavailable while he was growing up, he lacked the nurture and care most children get. Bojack’s one desire in life was to feel the love of a mother and it was a shame he never got to feel that way.
His mother’s dying words were emotional but it was too little, too late, and Bojack settled on the idea that she didn’t quite mean anything by it.
During the eulogy, Bojack spoke about his father and how he died during a duel, and the fact that his mother expressed more emotion at that moment then she ever has.
Credit: Netflix
Bojack Horseman touched upon some sensitive and tough issues as he continued to speak about his relationship with his mother. She never gave him love, and he went on to resent her for that.
As he started to wrap up the eulogy, Bojack expressed that just like television, there is no such thing as a happy ending.
Reflecting on what his mother would have thought of her funeral, Bojack said she would have been disappointed about the outcome of it.
And after all that emotion and reflection, the episode ends with Bojack realizing he’s in the wrong room — and not at his mother’s funeral.
There is so much to take away from this episode and so many layers of hurt, trauma, and repression that Bojack regurgitates as he looks back on his life and damaged relationship with his parents.
It’s a revelation and insight into how deep this animated series is, and this season has been a reminder that there is way more to Bojack Horseman than meets the eye.