Bojack Horseman season 5, episode 7 recap: INT. SUB

Once again Bojack Horseman takes an interesting turn as Todd tries to solve the case of the missing string cheese.

Bojack Horseman took a different approach to how it visualized Todd and Princess Carolyn in this episode, with Todd’s face being a hand and Princess Caroyln’s body as yarn. It’s weird, yes–but somehow it ends up working and making sense in the context of the series.

Diane and Bojack have quite the interesting back and forth in this episode that centers a lot on therapy and both of them trying to seek it. Diane’s therapist told her to create some distance from Bojack and to focus on her work instead.

Todd and Princess Carolyn had to participate in mediation over Todd accusing Princess Carolyn of stealing string cheese. It sounds so wacky, but yet Bojack Horseman is the only show that could make something this out there work.

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Since there were issues with the script, Bojack began to grow impatient and to get his way, would use his mother’s death to gain sympathy from everyone. Meanwhile, Mr. Peanutbutter learned the harsh truth of what happened to his family who he presumed were all at a farm.

Pissed off at Diane’s therapist, Bojack confronts Dr. Indira and asks that she stop treating Diane. But in doing so, he ends up sitting with her for a session himself and then asks Diane to stop going to her. This is the perfect example of how selfish Bojack can often be and how it trickles into the dynamic of his friendships constantly.

Diane tried to help Flip rewrite the script which was a hot mess after he wrote it incorrectly. But she finds herself distracted and angry when she learns that Bojack has been going to Dr. Indira behind her back, and opts to stop seeking treatment from her immediately.

The string cheese mystery is finally solved by the end of the episode and laid to rest (thank goodness!). However, things are just getting started with Bojack Horseman and Diane who are at odds with one another. And it only gets worse when Bojack realizes that the transcript from his controversial conversation has made its way into the script courtesy of Diane. Uh oh. This won’t end well.

Who else enjoyed every character depicted in a different way including Flip the dolphin and Bobo the Angsty Zebra?