6 must-see Netflix originals to binge in November

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House Of Cards Season 6 – Photo Credit: David Giesbrecht/Netflix

November on Netflix offers a few first-time releases, a spin-off, and a couple returning favorites.

House of Cards: Season 6 – Nov 2

House of Cards is entering its final season as Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) settles into her reign as President of the United States and new star of the show.

As most know, Kevin Spacey was fired from the show following sexual misconduct allegations, forcing the series to either end or continue on without him. At the end of House of Cards season 5, the plot conveniently lined up in everyone’s favor when Frank Underwood resigned as President, leaving Claire in charge and himself being forced into exile.

How they will end the series and explain Frank’s continued absence is all part of the clever drama of the show.

Even those who have grown weary of the Netflix original series itself might be tempted to watch just to see how they handle the plot under the circumstances.

Medal of Honor / Photo by Dave Novak., Netflix

Medal of Honor: Season 1 – Nov. 9

Medal of Honor is a docu-series that examines the lives of eight individual recipients of the highest award for valor.

Considering 3,600 Americans have been awarded the Medal of Honor since its creation in 1861, it will be fascinating to see how the documentarians chose the eight subjects.

All eight recipients appear to have been awarded within the last century up to 9/11, three of whom are still alive and participate in the documentary.

Considering the series is eight episodes, it is likely that each episode will focus on a single individual. It sounds heroic, emotional and highly educational.