Fuller House season 4 recap: Best season of the reboot so far

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Photo Credit: Fuller House/Netflix Image Acquired from Netflix Media Center

Episode 2: “Big Night”

Plot: DJ has her first date with Steve – in 25 years. Stephanie and Kimmy add pressure to the date, telling them both that this has to go well. It makes the beginning of the date awkward, especially since they get stuck in traffic on their way to wine country. But it’s nothing that a musical dance number can’t fix! They end the date on a cliff eating In and Out Burgers.

Meanwhile, “momzilla” Stephanie forbids Kimmy and Fernando (Juan Pablo Di Pace) from any hanky panky. Stephanie agrees to refrain with Jimmy for support. But Kimmy and Fernando trick them into “doing it” by having Jimmy wash his car. Apparently, that turns Stephanie Judith on.

Jackson (Michael Campion) makes it Facebook official with Rocki (Landry Bender) which pisses her off. So, when Ramona (Soni Bringas) convinces him to stand up for himself, Rocki changes her mind and defines the relationship.

Guest stars: None! I wouldn’t have hated an Uncle Jesse (John Stamos) appearance.

Funniest part: The kids ask, “what’s a landline?”

Throwback: There was a “How rude!” thrown in there by Stephanie.

Here come the Tears: No tears here, except the nostalgia of DJ and Steve finally becoming a couple.

Random Observation: When did Steve get smart? I guess Jimmy replaced Steve as the dummy on the show.

Corniness Level: 3 out of 5 cheeses. It had a musical number called “Back Together” that looked like it ended up on the cutting room floor from the movie La La Land.