Fuller House season 4 recap: Best season of the reboot so far

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Photo Credit: Fuller House/Netflix Image Acquired from Netflix Media Center

Episode 6: “Angels’ Night Out”

Plot: Kimmy and Stephanie think DJ has been spending too much time with Steve, so they decide to have a girl’s night out. They find a ‘70s-themed party on a boat and dress up like Charlie’s Angels.

When they show up to the cruise, they find out that the party is actually for people 70 and over. They end up trying to solve a mystery, Charlie’s Angels style, that turns out to be a misunderstanding.

Joey babysits Jackson, Max, and Tommy. They try to prank him to get him back for all the times he has pranked them. They succeed, but Joey gets them back in the end.

Fernando is about to go on a long race tour and reserved the night for he and Ramona to have a father/daughter dinner. She complains about wanting to hang with her friends instead. But she comes around, and they have a nice night bonding.

Guest stars: Joey is back. There are also appearances by the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman, Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner as a divorced couple caught up in the “diamond heist.” Lainie Kazan also makes a guest appearance.

Funniest part: When the girls get on the boat, the boat whistle sounds and Kimmy says, “Excuse me!” I appreciate flatulence humor.

Throwback: There were a ton of 70s references throughout the episode, especially with Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner’s appearance.

Here come the Tears: No tears, just cheese.

Corniness Level: 3 out of 5 cheeses. All the Charlie’s Angels poses were annoying. And then Steve called DJ’s phone, posing as Charlie, and telling them to have fun. Gag.