Netflix’s Selection Day season 1, episode 6 recap


The final episode of Selection Day is a real downer with several of the main players suffering at the hands of the rich and powerful.

News of Radha Kumar’s (Yash Dholye) on-field brilliance has spread across Mumbai. A video of his 36-ball century has gone viral online making him an instant superstar in the final episode of Selection Day season one.

But, not everybody sees this as good news. When Anand Mehta (Akshay Oberoi) is shown the video, his fiancée Monica Tandon tells him to use this as a way to convince Nellie Weinberg (Ratna Pathak Shah) to give up her school for his property venture.

While the Kumar boys rejoice, Tommy Sir (Mahesh Manjrekar) is informed that his wife’s chemotherapy sessions will be stopped because their insurance has run out. They will have to pay for further treatment out of pocket.

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Money troubles plague Mohan Kumar (Rajesh Tailang) as well. His brief career as a dog-sitter ended before he got paid so he is unable to pay rent. Though Mohan offers his wife’s bracelet as collateral, he is instead given till midnight to arrange for the rent money.

Manju (Mohammad Samad) is outraged that Mohan was willing to give away his mother’s jewellery, especially as this serves as additional fodder for Manju’s fear that his mother is well and truly gone – is she dead, or has she run away?

To make some quick cash, Mohan tries to sell his secret energy drink to people, piggybacking on Radha’s success. Unfortunately, his drink tastes foul and Mohan loses his first customer. Worse still, a police raid ends with Mohan’s entire container being upturned.

Javed’s (Karanvir Malhotra) cryptic poem from the previous episode still plays on Manju’s mind, but there’s more to distract the boy now. He’s taking time out of his playing schedule to work with his friends on a science project. When Manju returns home, he sees his family has been evicted from their chawl.

As the Kumars are leaving, Anand arrives with an exciting proposition. He is willing to sponsor Radha and set him up with endorsement deals once he ends up playing in the big leagues. In return, Anand wants a third of Radha’s earnings in commission.

Mohan is not easily swayed. He asks for a flat and a flat fee for each of his sons in return for signing the deal. While this is exactly what Mohan has wanted for his sons, Manju is crushed – he’ll never get away from cricket now.

Radha and Mohan are lapping up the luxury, but Manju just wants one thing – a way to contact his mother. Radha gives him their aunt’s phone number which puts the boy at ease. As the boys prepare for the latest cricket match, Tommy asks Nellie for a salary advance so that he can pay for his wife’s chemo.

Tommy makes the decision to change up the opening batters for the game. It will be Radha and Javed instead of the two brothers opening together. First ball, Radha almost gets caught in the slips – thankfully, it’s a missed opportunity.

Nellie finds Anand at the match and he uses a new tactic to win her over. Anand no longer wants to tear down her school. Instead, he wants to create more opportunities for her and her husband’s legacy. It looks like he’s finally making some inroads with Nellie on Selection Day.

Javed is on fire at the crease and looks set to break Radha’s record from the previous episode. Radha had made the fastest century for an Under-16 player, and Javed is intent on besting him. He begins playing defensively, refusing to give up the strike or take any risks.

On 97 off 34 balls, Radha calls Javed to make a quick three runs, but it’s too tight and Javed is run out before breaking the record. The coach tries to calm Javed down in the pavilion, but also decides against sending Manju in to bat with his brother.

Tommy believes the two brothers need to bat separately to become better players, so he’s intentionally keeping them apart.

Weinburg Academy win despite the on- and off-field hiccups. While Manju has been concentrating on cricket, Sophia and Zoya have finished their project. Manju’s excitement doesn’t last long.

He decides to call his aunt with whom his mother has been staying. That’s what his father told him, anyway. But when Manju speaks to his aunt she tells him she believed his mother was with them. What has their father done to her?

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Meanwhile, Radha is jogging home when he is surrounded by a bunch of thugs. They have obviously been sent by Javed in retaliation for the run out. Selection Day season one ends with Radha being viciously attacked on the streets of Mumbai.