15 Best Netflix original series of 2018: A Year in Review

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2. The End of the F***ing World

The End of the F***ing World came from out of nowhere and took Netflix by storm.

This British Netflix original series is about a teenager named James who believes he is a psychopath and a girl named Alyssa, who he decides he will murder.

The problem is that she is possibly more deranged than he is. Instead of killing Alyssa, the two set out on a road trip together and James feels something for someone for the first time in his life.

This series was eight episodes and took the two teens set off on a journey across Europe where they discover themselves before they realize that they ended up going too far and can never have what they possibly finally realized they wanted all along.

The series ended with a scene that leaves it up to the viewer to decide what really happened at the end of their trip. A second season was ordered, but honestly, this is a series that might have been better off with just a one-and-done because if they continue their story, it could ruin the ending.

1. The Haunting of Hill House

The best Netflix original series of 2018 was a haunted house story what was so much more than just a story about a haunted house.

The Haunting of Hill House is based on the Shirley Jackson novel that Stephen King once called the scariest haunted house story he ever read.

However, the Netflix original horror series took the idea of a haunted house and just used it as a background to instead tell the story of a family that survived the haunted house but could never let go as they grew into dysfucntional adults.

Related Story. The Haunting of Hill House season 1 premiere recap. light

The cast, from top to bottom, was perfect. The twists when it comes to the ghosts and the mysterious Red Room were masterfully painted. The reveals of the kid’s paths to adulthood were wonderfully told.

The ending was perfection.

The Haunting of Hill House is much more than a horror television series. It is a perfect drama that deserves all the credit and praise that it gets.

It is, without question, the best Netflix original series of 2018.