Game of Thrones: Oddsmakers set betting odds on different outcomes for the final season

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Game of Thrones: Who will die first?

The First Death of Season 8 should bring in lots of action. Game of Thrones without death would be a monopoly in isolation. The death is needed to advance the story, and to seize the throne. Early Favorites for the first fatality are Queen Yara Greyjoy (+200) and Theon Greyjoy (+400).

Yara is being held captive, and Theon is going forward with rescue plans. There is no point in a rescue mission if Yara is dead, so killing her might give Theon pause in his expedition. Though indecision can lead to death just as quickly as being a nuisance captive. Euron Greyjoy (+800) has Yara captive, making him a target for more than one assassin.

The Mountain (+500) can usually intimidate anyone. At the end of Game of Thrones season 7, The Mountain was aligned with Cersei, riding along as reinforcement for the Queensguard. However, The Mountian’s brother, Sandor “The Hound” Clegane (+1200), gives a reason for pause and doubt.

The Hound tells The Mountain that he has known always his biggest test, and it is actively coming for him. That uneasiness and worry, along with a tracking predator, put high odds on neither brother making it past a base camp episode 1 in this year’s season of Game of Thrones.

The second tier of betting value for first death in season 8 of Game of Thrones is led by Tormund Giantsbane (+800) and Bronn (+1000). Tormund is on top of a wall, surrounded by Walkers, having captured one of the enemy. For the bold expecting a twist early, The Night King (+2000) is tempting, but not a great value considering the unlikely death of the main plot catalyst.

Gendry (+1400) finally left the blacksmith shop, hiding in plain sight in the city. The last of Baratheon bloodlines, Gendry’s death would merely please some and for others, his absence would solve a problem. However, some believe he is needed for fighting. A quick death might suffice to serve all parties well. Except for Gendry of course. He got the message to Daenerys, so his purpose may have been served.

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With great power comes great responsibilities. Daenerys Targaryen (+10000) and Jon Snow (+6600) are the crown bearers of note. Jorah Mormont (+1400) declined the responsibilities of power, telling Jon the family sword of Longclaw was in Jon’s possession for a reason.

Davos Seaworth (+1600) is on the same journey as Jon Snow, Daenerys, and Sandor to King’s Landing. Brienne (+1800) has taken the risk as just the nature of the job. For decades she has made her way and earned respect in a man’s job. This may be one battle too many for the sage warrior.

Cersei Lannister (+2000) keeps turning down good advice and refuses to see the threat of the Night King. White Walkers are coming, and Cersei is just waiting to attack whoever is left after the battler. That attitude alone means she probably has a knife in the back coming, from someone looking out for all mankind, not just Cersei’s consolidated power ideas.

Varys (+2200) and Arya Stark  (+2500) are good mid-value bets. If any of the allegiances are broke, there is always collateral damage. Varys has been a small voice lately, and Arya wears many faces while cutting throats. Behaviors that others can’t read or trust makes one vulnerable.

At the end of any betting sheet are long shots with great value.

Samwell Tarly (+3300) is holding both a secret — and as record keeper — knowledge of where other secrets may lay buried. His scrolls on the White Walkers will prove useful, but will he? Tarly has been tolerated, and far from courageous. Even in small skirmishes, that’s the type of person who gets left behind or sacrificed. When running from White Walkers or bears, all one has to do is outrun the slowest friend. That friend in Game of Thrones is Samwell.

Tyrion Lannister (+4000) is a fan favorite and a voice of reason to all sides. He realizes the threat the White Walkers pose to everyone. However, at some point, the right-hand man and messenger will find themselves in harm’s way. A glancing blow could be a sad twist, but one that leads to a huge payout.

Jaime Lannister (+5000) has even longer odds, but that just make the bet more tempting. He has left Cersei to walk towards a battle with White Walkers and may have The Mountain in pursuit of his head. Jaime Lannister will likely face the end of a blade, but he may not make it to battle in time to be the first to fall.

Sansa Stark (+4000) is on the periphery of all battles — political and physical. Any devious plots will likely avoid her until later on in the season.  Brandon Stark (+5000) has no target on his back and no real enemies in pursuit. Unless he tells his secrets to all the wrong people, he should be safe.