Brooklyn Nine-Nine-Bill-Courtesy of NBC Universal
4. Bill from NutriBoom
Bill has become a regular player in the Heist. He may or may not have actually won last year’s Heist. Other, more important, storylines were going on last Halloween. The jack-of-all-heists is usually brought in as a contractor by Jake and Charles (Joe Lo Truglio). He may end up helping one or all of the interested parties once again this year. That is always on the table.
But, let’s not forget NutriBoom. Last year, Bill put certain levels of his services behind a paywall. Jake and Charles had to sign an 85-year contract to sell NutriBoom vitamins. It’s clearly a pyramid scheme. When Jake and Charles try to get out of the contract, Charles goes undercover as Bill. Although the sting doesn’t work, everyone now believes Charles is Bill. I know they look eerily the same, but maybe Bill feels alienated.
Also, I’m sure safety precautions at NutriBoom probably tightened to a stranglehold after the sting. Customers may have legitimately left. This all may be making life harder for Bill. What’s one insignificant way to get back at the man? Winning the Heist. He either opts in on his own or double crosses someone in the squad. This could be part of the Hitchcock and Scully theory.