Brooklyn Nine-Nine Heist Pregame: Who will win Cinco de Mayo?

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine-The Tattler-Courtesy of Vivian Zink/NBC

2. Rosa

Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) has always been a major player in the Heist. Her ballerina background affords her the ability to display the pretty angelic ability to tumble through small areas in order to steal the goal. It happens every heist. After “Ticking Clocks,” we know that Rosa is looking to spend more time with Jocelyn (Cameron Esposito). She may use this to say that she’s not participating in this year’s Heist.

Only. She is! After leaving the squad to spend an evening with Jocelyn, Rosa will use her cat burglar leaping abilities to regain entry to the squad. Once in she will work her way through the walls, corridors, and likely plumbing structure in order to capture the goal. The deeper into the building she gets, the more likely it is that she encounters Hitchcock and Scully, who like to walk through the interior walls in search of food stashes.

Jocelyn will be in on it. She’ll show up and say that Rosa never came home as a way to set-up a diversion and to alert keen Heisters that she’s likely in the building. It’s a risk, but what if her parents also show up! That’s right! The family is all back together and finally moving into the late 20th century in order to fully accept their daughter. It’s heartwarming. And, it will create confusion that will help Rosa achieve the crown of World’s Smartest Human/Genius.