Titans season 2 official trailer: Dick Grayson steps up as team leader

Titans -- Ep. 201 -- "Trigon" -- Photo Credit: Sven Frenzel / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Titans -- Ep. 201 -- "Trigon" -- Photo Credit: Sven Frenzel / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Check out the action-packed, character-heavy new trailer for Titans season two. There’s history for the team, relationship conflicts, and Dick Grayson becoming a leader.

With a little over a week left before season two of Titans premieres, DC Universe have released the official trailer showcasing the central conflicts for the characters, as well as some interesting backstories for the titular team.

If the first look trailer was an introduction to the characters, the new official one gives us a look at what the season’s stories could be. And, is that Titans Tower we see in the background? I doubt the tower will have its iconic ‘T’ shape, simply because that’s pretty conspicuous for the team, but the indoor location looks like a substantial upgrade from the barn that the Titans were practising in during season one of the show.

Check out the new Season 2 trailer below.


Photo Credit: WBTV

The new trailer gives us an inkling of the state of the central relationships, and they are not pretty! Romantic couple Hank Hall/ Hawk (Alan Ritchson) and Dawn Granger/ Dove (Minka Kelly) seem to be headed for splitsville with her refusing to give up the vigilante life. Though we do see the pair suited up in action, it seems like Hank’s ongoing injuries and Dawn’s near-death experience may have finally made him re-think his life. Dawn, though, doesn’t seem to be backing down.

We get a better look at Drew Van Acker’s Aqualad, and the trailer hints at him having a special connection with Conor Leslie’s Donna Troy. He’s asking her to make a tough choice between him and her destiny, so are these two romantically involved? Comic book Donna has been given numerous romantic partners (because comics), but her and Garth seems an odd choice for Titans. I would have liked Donna’s character arc to steer away from romance for a little while at least.

In the meantime, Dick Grayson (Brenton Thwaites) and Robin 2.0, Jason Todd (Curran Walters) still can’t get along, and it appears that Jason is hell-bent on not following Dick’s orders. When will these two get along?

The Female Superheroes

Starfire in Titans -- Ep. 105 -- Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Starfire in Titans — Ep. 105 — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

On the bright side, Anna Diop’s Starfire and Donna seem to be the gal pals we’re rooting for. The first look trailer teased them teaming up to fight a mysterious villain. We find out in this second trailer that Starfire and Donna are fighting Shimmer, a comic book villain introduced in The New Teen Titans. Considering this villain is featured heavily in the trailer, how large a part is she going to play in the season?

Starfire seems to be headed for some trouble though. A fellow Tamaranean appears on Earth and kidnaps her. Hopefully she won’t spend the entirety of the season in captivity, but it’s exciting to see that the showrunners have cast only Black actors as Tamaraneans.

Titans -- Ep. 201 -- "Trigon" -- Photo Credit: Sven Frenzel / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Titans — Ep. 201 — “Trigon” — Photo Credit: Sven Frenzel / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Teagan Croft’s Rachel Roth/Raven seems to have undergone a sea-change since season one. Not only is she sporting a comic-accurate look (complete with a ruby bindi), she also seems calmer and snarkier than before. However, there’s a scene at the beginning of the trailer where she is confessing to being very tired. Could the toll of holding Trigon back and her Titans duties inform her character arc this season?

Though there’s very little of Chella Mann’s Jericho, we see plenty more of Chelsea Zhang’s Rose Wilson/ Ravager. She seems to have reluctantly joined the Titans and looks to be a difficult and confrontational team-mate. That being said, she isn’t afraid of showing off her skills. Looks like we’re in for a badass new superhero on the show.

Dick Grayson

Titans -- Ep. 111 -- "Dick Grayson" -- Photo Credit: Christos Kalohordis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
Titans — Ep. 111 — “Dick Grayson” — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohordis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

Dick Grayson was pretty much the main character on season one of Titans, and the only person who was given substantial growth and substance. The new trailer does a great job of shining the spotlight on most of the characters, but we see Dick has also changed a lot since we last met him.

For one, he seems to be finally confronting his issues with Iain Glen’s Bruce Wayne. The trailer suggests that despite Dick resisting Bruce’s mentorship, Bruce would change nothing about taking Dick in as his partner. Now that’s the kind of Dynamic Duo relationship we know from the comics.

Dick has also accepted his post-Robin life and taken on the mantle of leader and mentor of the new Titans. We see him training/sparring with Ryan Potter’s Garfield Logan/ Beast Boy, and Ravager.

The trailer ends with Dawn telling Dick to ‘be Batman’. This is probably a throwback to the first Titans trailer, which had everyone in a flurry after Dick’s Robin famously said ‘F*** Batman’. Now it seems, Dick is going to embrace everything Bruce taught him to become a leader in his own right. If we read between the lines, it’s obvious that Dick is creeping slowly and steadily towards finally becoming Nightwing, his lighter and brighter version of Batman.

In this new trailer, we also get our first look at Esai Morales’ Slade Wilson. He looks pretty badly off. His history with the Titans is mentioned – Donna says he was the reason that the Titans disbanded originally, It looks like Jason’s on-camera declaration that the Titans are back brings Slade out of hiding.

Titans may be jam-packed with a giant cast of characters, but this trailer teases some exciting new arcs and conflicts for the team.

Titans is back for season two on September 6, only on DC Universe.