It’s time to “Le Reve Impossible” on Lodge 49. Our heroes unite in Mexico on a quest for the scrolls. Will they succeed? We’ve got the recap!
Lodge 49 did its own version of the Portals scene from Avengers: Endgame on “Le Reve Impossible.” It took up the whole episode. This is what we’ve been building up to for the entire season. It’s complete with Ernie (Brent Jennings) jumping through a portal of sorts. It’s created when Lamar’s (Paul Giamatti) muse Genevieve (Susy Kane) lights an expensive carpet on fire at an auction. Ernie picks up Larry’s (Kenneth Welsh) bowling ball bag, which contains the Scrolls, and he jumps through the fiery Doctor Strange inspired hole. How in the world did we get there?
Lynxers Assemble!
Dud (Wyatt Russell), Ernie, Blaise (David Pasquesi), Lamar, and Genevieve all make it to Mexico. When they arrive at Lodge 55, they’re greeted by a gunshot through the front door. The shot was fired by Dud’s fake shark-attorney, Daphne (Mary Elizabeth Ellis). She’s had some rough dealings with Cartel activity.
Once inside, Daphne presents Team Dud with foreshadowing paintings that were crafted by El Confidente (Cheech Marin). He’s left on a quest of his own to be with his wife. She’s dead, so that sounds trippy. Before he left, El Confidente made Daphne a Lynx. This touched her so much that she gave up her quest for the Scrolls and the bitcoin they could provide. But she knows where the Scrolls will be: an estate auction.

Team Connie (Linda Emond) shows up at Lodge 55 with Scott (David Allan Kramer) and Clara (Pollyanna McIntosh). Sparks fly between Scott and Genevieve. A well-established sex vibe picks up where it left off in Long Beach between Clara and Lamar. Clara is sad that Lamar has sworn off of climaxing due to fear of losing his creative power. Connie shows her one of El Confidente’s paintings. The two of them are sitting at the beachside taco stand. There’s another painting with Dud and Liz (Sonya Cassidy) in unitards floating in space. Interesting.
Meanwhile, Liz is with Janet (Olivia Sandoval) and Tarquin (Vik Sahay). They are unable to locate or get a hold of Dud. He left his charger in Long Beach. Daphne doesn’t have his kind of charger. Liz decides to continue to enjoy her time in Mexico and goes for a swim. All of the Lynx are being booked into a swanky hotel by Lamar. Dud goes for a swim. This is the first time we’ve really seen him in water since his accidents. Instead of a shark, he finds Liz! They are staying at the same hotel. All of our heroes are united.
The Auction
That night, Lamar treats everyone to the most authentic Chinese food in Mexico and has a dumpling eating contest with Liz. Everyone bets savagely on the contest. It seems that Lamar was the favorite. He comes close to winning, but, in what Scott Van Pelt and Stanford Steve would refer to as a choice bad beat, Liz wins. I mean, she still vomits some dumplings, but she held off longer than Lamar. He kind of blew like John Belushi in Animal House.
Afterward, Lamar is in a phone booth berating his agent when Clara interrupts. From the bellowing heard throughout the hotel, one must assume that Lamar released most of his artistry. When he goes to sleep on the floor later that night, the gun he’s been carrying accidentally goes off and grazes Scott in the room below them. He was about to have a moment with Genevieve. At least he made up with Blaise earlier in the day. And, as a non-sequitur, Herman (Sam Puefua) is just roaming the hotel halls. Is he there to make sure Dud returns to pay his bid back to Burt (Joe Grifasi)?

The Scrolls are to be auctioned off in an estate sale. But, no one except the Lynx knows what the Scrolls are. They are still in Larry’s bowling bag. The auction is cried by the most esteemed and awesome Farrell Higgins (Paul F. Tompkins). At first, it seems as if the Lynx will be able to win the bag for the affordable price of $250. But then they are powerfully outbid by Janet, who seems to be bent on world domination via the Lodge. Okay. She just wants the bitcoin.
It’s a tough room. Ernie is being accosted by the band whom he borrowed a Mariachi suit from. The Federales seem to be closing in on Janet. And Farrell Higgins won’t let the Lynx have Larry’s bag. That’s when Genevieve starts to sing Le Reve Impossible. When she’s done, everyone applauds and wipes away tears. For an encore, Genevieve flicks open a Zippo and lights a backdrop carpet on fire. She winks at Ernie, who dashes for the bag, swoops it up, and jumps through the portal. Janet is arrested. Connie and Clara have gone to look for their taco stand in the sand.
Dream the Impossible Dream
Now that the Lynx have the Scrolls, it’s time to go home. Liz decides to stay in Mexico to make sure that Janet doesn’t try to frame her for anything when she’s interrogated. Lamar volunteers to fly Ernie, Dud, and Daphne back on Janet’s plane. Everything is going well until Lamar pushes a button that makes an alarm go off. There are three parachutes. Daphne takes one. Lamar takes one. Dud takes the last and holds on to Ernie and the Scrolls. They all jump.
Below, at the taco stand in the sand, Connie and Clara are enjoying a drink. Scott and Blaise join. Then Lamar’s typewriter hits the sand. Oh, no. But wait. Daphne emerges from the ocean with her parachute. And, there are our guys! Dud and Ernie survived with the Scrolls. The real quest was to unite and heal the Lynx. And a successful quest it was.
But wait! Who is masquerading as Melinda/Clara at Lodge 1? Someone had dispatched Anil (Chum Ehelepola) to bring Clara back to Lodge 1 because something was wrong. Connie and Clara knocked him out and tied him to a bed before leaving for the taco stand in the sand. So, we’ll have to wait and see about what’s up with Lodge 1. There was definitely a Mad Mad Mad World vibe to this week’s episode I can’t wait to see how Lodge 49 wraps up its second season in “The Door.”