The Good Place airs Thursday nights at 9 p.m. on NBC. Spoilers ahead!
There’s a spy in our midst on The Good Place. Or is that what they want us to think?
Glen, the demon, arrives from the Bad Place to warn the Soul Squad that Michael isn’t Michael. It’s actually Vicky in a Michael suit. He also reveals that Michael knew about the suit.
That last bit we know is true, which doesn’t help Michael’s case.

Glen explains that the “puncher” (the demon that snuck in during the beginning of the experiment) was a deflection. That they did the switch while Janet was handcuffing the puncher to the seat.
This is something I had suspected all along.
Of course, Michael denies everything.
They have no reason to believe the demon and every reason to believe Michael… until Glen starts to poke holes in Michael’s story. He tells them that Michael saw the suit. That lie makes them start thinking about the other times he lied and casts more doubt.

They ask Janet to create a demon lie detector. Sure! She’s already doing everything else, why not?
Meanwhile, they decide to ask them to take off their “human” suits. Michael begs them not to make him do it because he’s actually a giant fire squid – which sounds as terrible as it seems. Taking off his suit will reveal his true demon form. He will destroy the house, and everyone in the neighborhood will see him, and it will compromise the experiment. Plus, he knows the gang will never look at him the same way.
Janet is finished with the lie detector; however, it actually blows Glen up! There is blue slim everywhere. Luckily, Glen isn’t completely destroyed. It will take a few months to pass through demon growth: larva, slug monster, spooky little girl, teenage boy, a giant ball of tongues, social media CEO, then finally, a demon.

Eleanor can’t take it, so she needs some time to think. She ends up running into Chidi, who is perfecting his drawing skills so that he doesn’t screw up Magic Pictionary again. They share a plate of nachos. He also tells her how he’s willing to suffer to make the world better. Ain’t that the truth!
Michael tells them the only way to know for sure he is in fact who he says he is, is by blasting him with Janet’s demon lie detector. He assures them he will be back in a few months. Just then, Eleanor knows Michael is telling the truth since he would make such a huge sacrifice.
Just then, Jason handcuffs Janet because he figured out that she is actually the spy – it’s Bad Janet!
How did he know?
When they talked earlier in the episode, and he said, “I’m here for you, girl,” Janet didn’t say, “Not a girl.” She always says, “not a girl” after Jason calls her “girl.”
Two Bad Janets arrived on the train to pick up the puncher. When Michael was distracted, the other Bad Janet marbleized Good Janet and took her form.
That is why things have been going so poorly – Bad Janet has been manipulating their decisions since the beginning!
So, Michael and Jason go to rescue their girl (not a girl)!
Okay, so I was wrong about Michael being a fake, but I knew something happened on that train! So, I’ll call it half of a win!

Funniest bits
Magic Pictionary – where everything clue is something from their childhood and then comes to life! Mariah Carey’s back tattoo of a butterfly? Good! Simone’s childhood pony, Daisy? Terrifying.
Jason to Glen, the demon: “If you’re the devil, how come you’re not wearing Prada?”
Glen asks for pig urine to drink when he arrives at Mindy St. Claire’s house. Obviously, they don’t have it. One of their ideas is to get Glen drunk to get him to talk:
Eleanor: “What goes best with pig ruin?”
Jason: “Coconut rum.”
Watch The Good Place anytime.
Read last week’s recap.